About Us

At T-Horizons, we are dedicated to providing innovative, tailor-made software solutions that empower businesses to achieve their goals.


Our vision is to revolutionize the software industry by driving success and growth through cutting-edge technology.


Our mission is to deliver exceptional, customized software solutions and support to businesses, fostering creativity and collaboration, and nurturing startups in Egypt through affordable, cutting-edge technology.
We strive to achieve our goals by creating unique, customized software products that cater to each client's specific needs, becoming a trusted partner for businesses by providing reliable, high-quality software solutions, fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within the organization, supporting the growth of the ecosystem in Egypt by offering valuable resources and discounts to startups, and expanding our global footprint by establishing strategic partnerships and collaborations.


At T-Horizons, our values guide everything we do. We believe in customization, delivering personalized solutions that perfectly align with our clients' requirements and objectives. We embrace creativity and strive to develop groundbreaking software solutions that address complex business challenges. We cultivate strong relationships with our partners and clients, fostering a collaborative environment to achieve shared success. We are committed to delivering exceptional software products and services that meet the highest industry standards. We prioritize our clients' needs and provide comprehensive support to ensure their long-term success. We are dedicated to nurturing the local SaaS ecosystem in Egypt and contributing to its growth through our support and resources.

The Story Behind Our Name

The name T-Horizons is inspired by the most impactful part of our founder's life, the Horizons team, and a suggestion from a dear friend, Salma Samy. Salma was the first person who encouraged and supported our founder in starting this business, and we are forever grateful for all that she did.
The name consists of two parts, the first is "T" which is an observation of the different 3 words "Teach", "Technology", and "Towards," and the second part is Horizons, representing the most impactful part of our founder's life. The full name T-Horizons means that teaching technology and its good use leads us toward the Horizons of the world.